Three word images to use and why
This morning I tired a few different "word images" when doing my deep breathing exercises, one set was said with inhalation and the second on exhalation. The purpose was to clear my thoughts and set-up a positive frame of mind for the rest of the day.
Set one
When breathing in say the words "life is impermanent" when exhaling say the words "live life with purpose". I have timed the word to match my breathing, you may add extra emphasis if you want for example "live life with fierce determination".
The reason behind these words for me are fairly obvious, we treat our timeline with contempt (I am being broad and generalising here to make a point) we trample through the world as if we are a permanent fixture. Nothing can be further from the truth and we have to optimise our our time here to bring as much light and joy as possible - because every living being is a microcosm of spiritual complexity which is fighting against entropy - and through this fight we leave our imprint on the world and shape the destiny of our loved ones.
Set two
When breathing in say the words "I forgive myself" when exhaling say "I can now move forward with joy" . This is a modification of one I was taught at a meditation class I took with Cynthia, I found it interesting when I first did it but it didn't mean anything to me until now. I truly started to heal when I forgave myself, all the hurt melted away. This is a critical step for people who bottle things up and hang onto trust issues or fear - you perceive that you have been wronged that somehow the world is against you and even though you blame the world you feel some inner guilt - if you can truly forgive yourself as no one thing is perfect then you can begin to heal. This has had a real and dramatic impact on my life and if it's one thing you take from this blog do it!
Set three
This is the one mentioned in day one and is the crux of my thought regime. When breathing in say the words "This moment is full of potential" when exhaling say the words "always find the most fulling path". This has been shortened a little bit but to be honest it can be any combination of words as long as the spirit is the same.
I had a lot on my mind when I woke up but I am ready to meet the day with a smile, I hope you feel the same :)
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