It's not really - it's about connection
As provocative as that photo may be it means nothing without the connection between two souls - I am sure there is a time and place for indulging in some carnal play - but this blog is about a spiritual journey and I would be a fool to deny that sex plays doesn't part in this.
I was out last night with my beautiful friend Lemora and her boyfriend Paul at a club he promotes and it was full people who's only intention was to titillate the senses - this is what I needed as my last post showed I was struggling - in the past when I have gone out all it's done is made things worse. I find that the vacuous, mundane, primal interactions more alienating then arousing.
What I wanted to share was a interesting conversation I had with a Chinese bloke named La - we had a good chat about life and I told him about Momentousness and he told me about his view on life. The one salient point that sticks with me was this simple truth "When something finite ends, it opens up infinite possibilities" - among all the shiny tights and dressed down models here was a pristine truth - when my relationship ended with Cynthia it ended her timeline in my life - this in turn has opened a million possibilities that didn't exist before.
My goal is that by living in the moment and capitalizing on all the positive paths that open before me, that I will find a connection that is deserving of becoming part of my timeline. Because it's not about sex, it's about two souls that share a common goal and that is what I have lost - but my heart is open (even to Cynthia as I will always love her) and I have the courage to love again - hopefully I will be aware in the moment when fate comes to caress me once again.
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